More cushions
Also my weekly trip to the big city yielded a few more charity shop bargains, anyone would think me a shopaholic, nevermind. Acquired a replacement Pyrex kenwood chef bowl for £1.50 to replace the one i broke just before i moved up here. And a stainless steel swan roasting tray which is funny because a few days ago whilst washing dishes and scrubbing my old roasting tray I was thinking to myself "i would never have another of these coated roasters that you cant give a really good scrub with a metal scourer, I will have a stainless steel one" and low and behold one turns up, for all of £1, psychic moment :)
Also some bits for the spare room for when its finished, the vase and the candlestick were out of the 20p box, as was the glass bottle which will go in the bathroom, the french "room" sign will be for the spare room door most likely, and cost 50p, although the original price on the back is in euros so perhaps it was bought in France on someones holidays.
Bolster cushions
New Skylights
Anyway John spent most of the weekend on the roof removing slates and these old rusted steel framed windows.