
That Cosy Winter Feeling

I just want to say thank you everyone who left me such lovely comments on my last post, they really do mean a lot to me and are giving me loads encouragement :-) 
Also I finally took the plunge and filled in my 'About Me' page at the top there, 
if you really want to know some scary stuff take a peek, 
but promise not to run screaming!!!
 If you are in the UK then you will be probably be sick of hearing about the snow
 and it finally arrived in Orkney yesterday (about time too).
I have been taking advantage of the snuggling down hibernating feeling it brings. 
Time to get back on the wheel and spin up some Shetland I have been waiting since before Christmas to get starting on :) Its Plyed up lovely and I have a fab Dye idea lined up for it too. Will show you soon as it is ready :)
 But for now, the obligatory snowy photos, can't possibly leave them out now can I ;-)

Aaaaaand...She's Back !!!!

So how do you start a blog post when you haven't blogger in months?
 No idea, but here I am. I could apologise for being soooo busy the last few weeks,
or blame it all on the Christmas season, 
but as I am always busy this wouldn't be honest at all.
Truth is I have been having a blogging identity crisis, sort of. 
I read a lot of other people's blogs (the easiest route to blogging inadequacy), 
and was confused as to where I wanted this blog to go and what to post about. 
Do I post more about my pagan stuff and risk upsetting my non pagan followers,
 or post more home and craft stuff and put off other viewers. And so on.
 Fear leaves you stuck completely.
I had forgotten the reason for my blogging to begin with,
 to show my life in all it's mixed higgldy piggldy glory !! 
just put it all out there for all to see, heehee :) 
So as you can see I am back !!!! warts and all ;-)