The Valentine Plans


I had good intentions this valentines day of making a fuss, I had it all worked out. John was working but it was a Friday so once he was home from work the evening could begin, also he was breaking up for two weeks holiday so even better.

I had chosen the food based upon his favorite dishes, no heart shaped pink blancmange for us, but there would be gorgeous Chinese spiced braised pork using one of our favorite recipes by Bill Granger : (recipe found here), with trifle or tiramisu to follow, and homemade strawberry and rhubarb wine to drink.

I would fetch the small box of previously made valentines decor items from the loft,and add copiously to them from ideas found on my valentines pinterest board.  Music would be chosen wisely, and a romantic evening in front of the fire cosied up would be perfect.

Ah but good intentions are a wonderful thing. Spending so much time recently decorating the bathroom meant no time or inclination left for crafting at the last minute, I had forgot to get the pork when shopping, and hubby was on call and couldn't even have a drink.

But it is just one day out of the year after-all.

We have spent the weekend together working on the cottage, walking in the sunshine, taste testing this past years demijons, and we even got around to having the pork for dinner yesterday.

 So who is to say valentines must be celebrated on February 14th or never. Celebrate on the 15th, 16th, 24th or everyday in little ways.

(Above photo from a previous year)

Early February Thoughts

It has been a very snuggly sort of few weeks since the new year began, more so than usual anyway. The grotty weather we have been having here in the UK combined with that post Christmas lethargy has meant a lot of yarny projects by the fire whenever there has been a spare few minutes/hours.

Truth be told my days seem to blend into one, same chores and daily jobs, the never-ending job of polyfiller, sandpaper and paint which comes with renovating a property, settling in when john comes in from work to just flop in front of the fire to watch a DVD or something on the web (btw Sherlock was excellent in my opinion,and should be on every week).

I am starting to get new ideas for this year, new projects to start of the woolly kind, getting more rooms completed, and maybe finally having a real live kitchen (one can but dream).

Speaking of the cottage I am almost nearly there ready to say the bathroom is complete. One more week of DIY jobs, then just accessories and done ! It is our favorite room so far and has gone from freezing, to the warmest room in the house, I swear some days I'm tempted to take the kindle in there to read and thaw out.


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