what about other folks on the islands ?
best not to stay out too late on what they like to call up here
'Devilment Night' !!
couple of years ago mum and I travelled back late from a Samhain
gathering from the other end of the island. Thinking we had managed
to avoid the worst of the evenings tricksters we had almost arrived
back, only a couple of miles away, but as we turned onto the last
back road there it was......a fence of clingfilm stretched across the
road wrapped around the signposts on either side. Yes Devilment night
on Orkney is seen by many as a night to indulge in major mischief by
both the younguns and adults alike.
most tricks are fairly harmless if messy affairs, it is the brave
soul who has to venture out early on the morn of November 1st
to go to work, for there is a fair chance there will have been
someone who has manoeuvred huge round hay bales into the middle of
the road !! There are tales that have almost become urban myths, of
the picnic benches found on top of telephone boxes and boats found in
very odd places.
couple of years ago, wheelie bins from all over west mainland had
been 're-located' to a farm in Sandwick overnight. Now that would
have been a surprise the next morning to whomever came across all of
for us two this year will be a fairly quiet affair, a small Samhain
ritual and a suitable meal for the pair of us, perhaps just relaxing
by candlelight or maybe a movie, my favourite Halloween movie is by
far Trick 'r Treat
if you do venture out late this Halloween night and you live out in
the wild places, keep your wits about you !!!